Earlier this month, the municipality of Lima developed a protocol for the beaches in Lima to prevent the spread of COVID-19 during the summer of 2021. Later on October 21st, the Peruvian Government approved the protocol and added some modifications. The protocol includes various recommendations to reduce the risk of spreading Coronavirus, according to the current health regulations and mandatory for it to be followed at a national level. This protocol will be demanded on Lima Metropolitana, El Callao, and Lima provincias. The beaches will have to reduce the access of people by 50% so there is less spread of the virus.
Within the decree given by the government, they stated the following things; on weekdays people will be able to go to the beach following the restrictions of social distancing, the use of masks, and the disinfection of hands. However, on weekends with huge crowds, the beaches in Lima will only be used to practice sports and walks. The government will provide the beach care personnel, like cleaning workers, security, and lifeguards, with the necessary sanitary equipment, as well as coronavirus testing for their and others' safety. The government will permanently be cleaning and disinfecting the toilet facilities, lifeguard control towers, first aid posts, recreation areas, sports areas, among other spaces of public use, and they will also have soap and water dispensers. In addition to the following limitations, the parking areas must be located with enough space to distance each car. Each district must regulate and limit pedestrian access in order to control the entry of people, as a health and security measure.
The Municipalidad de Lima will continue to keep promoting these recommendations throughout the summer so the protocols can prevent the spread of Covid-19. Hopefully with the help of the government, the municipality and the citizens everyone will be able to go to the beach this summer safely.

“Uso De Playas Se Permitirá De Lunes a Jueves, y Fin De Semana Solo En Áreas Colindantes.” La Hora, 21 Oct. 2020, https://lahora.pe/uso-de-playas-se-permitira-de-lunes-a-jueves-y-fin-de-semana-solo-en-areas-colindantesrv/
Gestión, Redacción. “Verano 2021: Aforo En Playas De Lima Solo Será El 50% Por COVID-19.” Gestión, Gestión, 24 Sept. 2020, https://gestion.pe/peru/verano-2021-aforo-en-playas-de-lima-solo-sera-el-50-durante-por-covid-19-covid-19-coronavirus-peru-nndc-noticia/?ref=gesr
“Municipalidad De Lima Elaboró Protocolo Para La Habilitación De Playas Con Recomendaciones Para Prevenir El Contagio De COVID-19 Durante El Verano 2021.” Gobierno Del Perú, https://www.gob.pe/institucion/munilima/noticias/303868-municipalidad-de-lima-elaboro-protocolo-para-la-habilitacion-de-playas-con-recomendaciones-para-prevenir-el-contagio-de-covid-19-durante-el-verano-2021
Andina, Agencia. “Verano 2020: Conoce Las Playas De Lima Calificadas Como Saludables.” Noticias | Agencia Peruana De Noticias Andina, https://andina.pe/agencia/noticia-verano-2020-conoce-las-playas-lima-calificadas-como-saludables-779654.aspx