
During the last two weeks, the newly applied regulations on the approved cancer laws have brought relief to many families. This would be the first time there is talk about universal coverage for the treatment of cancer patients on a national level (Exitosa, 2022). Granting free universal access and priority cancer treatments to all public, private or mixed health service providers with insurance no longer matters.
- Harold Bushby

December 25th of 2021, Progress was thriving with ex Chief of Regional Directorate of Transport and Communications of the Regional Government of Junín Eduardo Reyes Salgueran was captured at his home for his illegal activities and trafficking. A battle against his criminal organization that goes far to the start of 2019 has achieved a powerful victory for the side of justice. The Judiciary has issued a 36 month preventive detention order and an arrest warrant against Reyes Salguerán (PNP,2022)”.
- Harold Bushby