Harold Bushby
December 25th of 2021, Progress was thriving with ex Chief of Regional Directorate of Transport and Communications of the Regional Government of Junín Eduardo Reyes Salgueran was captured at his home for his illegal activities and trafficking. A battle against his criminal organization that goes far to the start of 2019 has achieved a powerful victory for the side of justice. The Judiciary has issued a 36 month preventive detention order and an arrest warrant against Reyes Salguerán (PNP,2022)”.

Reyes Salgueran was identified as being a big part of the Junin criminal organization “Los Dinamicos del Centro '' a crime web that works with Driving schools, medical exams centers, and elaborate ilegal job hiring. Their purpose was to demand bribes and quotas. “This individual was investigated along with others for allegedly integrating a criminal network that negotiated with driver's licenses and jobs in the Regional Government of Junín'' (El Comercio, 2022). The month of April started with the capture of Arturo Cardenas Tovar, once Vladimir Cerron’s right hand man inside Peru Libre. Since then evidence has been coming out of the shadows making more members of Los Dinamicos face the proper justice they deserve. Eduardo’s capture has led to key evidence on the illegal payments. Payments which are arranged for Junin’s regional workers by submitting their labor in exchange for economic benefits. The beneficiaries varied from driving schools, clinics or authorized medical centers and others. The connections were made by a group of Jaladores in the region. “There is record of this behavior coming back for years to the detriment of the DRTC-GRJ and the Peruvian State.”(Caretas, 2022)
According to the Junín Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office. “ Reyes himself, as director of the DRTC-Junín, had been allowing the continuity and permanence of other members of the organization in jobs that are directly and indirectly linked to the processing and issuance of driver's licenses in their different categories through the various decentralized offices that owns the aforementioned regional entity (headquarters of Huancayo and Satipo)” He had a full knowledge of the signin activities on the workside.
In the end this looks like one piece from the puzzle the law is trying to solve. Eduardo Reyes Salguean capture is one step in the right direction of many others made through the laps of 2 years of police work. Locating the corrupted acts of each member of Los Dinamicos makes the law look in the bigger picture of the actual leader. I'm referring to founder of Peru Libre Vladimir Cerron who, by the use of corruption hidden in the shadows, is able to delay his deserved punishment until more evidence is shown in court. Fortunately as the situation advances The capture of Reyes has certainly shone a bright light over other sinful acts of corruption associated with people like Vladimir Cerrón, perhaps Peru is slowly getting free of the sins of the powerful governors who have put a stain on the history of our country.
El Comercio, Karen Barbosa Qurioz, 06 Apr 2022
El Comercio https://elcomercio.pe/politica/actualidad/vladimir-cerron-los-dinamicos-del-centro-que-implicado-en-este-caso-sigue-profugo-de-la-justicia-arturo-cardenas-junin-peru-libre-noticia/ El Comercio, Karen Barboza Quiroz, 27 Apr 2022
Caretas.pe https://caretas.pe/nacional/los-dinamicos-del-centro-eduardo-daniel-reyes-salgueran-era-el-mandamas-de-la-direccion-de-transportes-del-gobierno-regional-de-junin/ Caretas, Caretas, 13 jul 2021
https://gestion.pe/peru/politica/los-dinamicos-del-centro-16-implicados-pueden-influenciar-en-testigos-y-coinvestigados-segun-fiscal-vladimir-cerron-peru-libre-nndc-noticia/ Gestion, Gestion Politica, 01 dec 2021
https://gestion.pe/peru/politica/pnp-los-dinamicos-del-centro-policia-captura-a-eduardo-reyes-salgueran-rmmn-noticia/?ref=gear Gestion, Gestion Politica, 26 Apr 2022