Harold Bushby
During the last two weeks, the newly applied regulations on the approved cancer laws have brought relief to many families. This would be the first time there is talk about universal coverage for the treatment of cancer patients on a national level (Exitosa, 2022). Granting free universal access and priority cancer treatments to all public, private or mixed health service providers with insurance no longer matters.

Indeed this could be considered a step in the right Direction for our Health Minister. After adding members close to Peru Libre such as the current Minister Hernan Cordori, they have received strong criticism from many influential medics such as Elmer Huerta as knowledgeable, capable, and qualified individuals are a must for a sector as complicated as health. Everything had been moving short, inefficient with them searching for contracts with other public figures (RPP). This is why after the constant fighting, work, and sacrifice our health workers gave to the cause it is still very sad this could not be done sooner because of a limited system they do not have control in. Citizens all around Peru are pressing the Minister of Health for supporting the appliance of these regulations. Doctor Palacios Cabrejos, executive director against cancer prevention (Ministry of Health), shared in RPP that “This regulation what it does is the integration of the sanitary strategies in prevention and control of the case”. “It's very moving seeing the unification of province kids coming to Lima because in their respective regions there isn’t the infrastructure of oncological specialists in children” (RPP, 2022). Even if these regulations are a big step we still don't have the technological advancements to apply them in all of our departments. Criticism has been made on why these advancements weren't made sooner as the pandemic delayed all of the work and research made.
The national cancer plan, Plan Esperanza, is now able to expand from 7 types to all types of cancers. This is a huge step forward for the well-being of the patients. Karla Ruiz, President of La Asociación Esperanza stated in Exitosa that “The last project, analyzed by many factors, has undergone some changes' '. It is known that the current MINSA does not possess the freedom to make all the changes they want are limited by the minister and governors. She did say the plan is very complete and takes experience from Their Esperanza plan (Exitosa, 2022).
I am very happy to see such positive news during the hard times we are leaving right now. The country has been suffering for 2 years being limited by COVID-19, not achieving the desired advancement, to grow from this second class country. Our health workers not only deserve our deep thanks but a huge parade for all the work they are giving, not only in cancer laws but keeping our society safer from the illness that can get to any. The clear corruption that has stuck to our country will always limit our system, but not giving up is the only way moments like this can shine once more. For me, this story has shown that our voices together are capable of significant change in our nation. I believe that in the future we will be able to achieve bigger goals for the best of our beloved country.
RPP Noticias, RPP, 1 Apr. 2022
RPP Noticias ”Dr. Huerta sobre nuevo ministro de Salud: "Hay que poner atención a lo que hará con nombramientos"” RPP Noticias,RPP, 6 Apr. 2022
Agencia Andina “Gobierno aprobó el Reglamento de la Ley Nacional del Cáncer” Andina,Andina,
30 Mar. 2022
Exitosa, Exitosa, 30 Mar. 2022
MINSA “Reglamento de la Ley Nacional del Cáncer fortalecerá una política de prevención y control de la enfermedad” El estado peruano, Gob.pe, 30 Mar. 2022
Diego Suarez Bolseman “Ley Nacional del Cáncer: ¿Cuáles son los pro y contra del reglamento aprobado por el Ejecutivo?” El Comercio, El Comercio, 31 Mar 2022
Te felicito Harold!! Tu artículo es muy interesante y motivador. Te recuerdo con inmenso cariño y te deseo muchos éxitos en la carrera que elijas.