Newton News


When invited to give a greeting at school for Perú’s National Holiday, I thought immediately of the message sent out last year from Irish President Michael D. Higgins for the 200th Anniversary of Peruvian Independence from Spain. I also recalled the fact that President Higgins was awarded Peru’s highest honour in 2017 at Lima’s presidential palace. The honour – the Order of the Sun, or el Orden del Sol – was given to the Irish President in recognition of "his interest in the defence and promotion of human rights, peace, democracy and inclusive citizenship, as well as culture" (Collyns).
- Ms Kelly Flynn

Operación Sonrisa es una organización social que busca ayudar a los infantes que no cuentan con las oportunidades para tratar la fisura labial y/o paladar hendido. Cada niño merece atención quirúrgica y tratamiento médico excepcional, esta forma de pensar es la que lleva a la ONG a garantizar el cuidado de los pacientes y brindarles la mejor atención y recuperación posibles. OPS tiene ya 23 años de experiencia en el país, cuenta con 88 programas quirúrgicos locales, en donde ha logrado realizar 6,331 cirugías.
- Micaela Madueño

Founded in 2021 by Gabriel Oursoff, IB student and prefect of the XXXV class, Gotitas is a promising new CAS project at Newton which is looking to make an impactful change. He, alongside a team of contributors, is looking for opportunities to improve quality of living.
- Harold Bushby