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Australia's East Coast Hit by Severe Flooding


Micaela Madueño

Byron Bay is one of the world’s most famous coastal towns, located in the southeastern Australian state of New South Wales. During these past few months, “La Niña” weather patterns have struck the area repeatedly with heavy rain causing severe flooding and considerable damage.

Voice of America, 2022

On March 30, 2022, this newly-recovering city was hit once again by torrential rains and floods. Weeks prior, the town was victim of a record-breaking deluge.

Their neighbouring city, Lismore, also received 400 millimetres of rain in the span of 24 hours, causing a breach of the town's levees and consequently increasing the chances of possible water inundation. People could only stare as they witnessed central business districts being buried underwater. As a result, 20,000 shop owners were forced to close, and tens of thousands fled their homes for the second time in just a couple of weeks.

Residents from Byron Bay and Lismore, to the Macleay, 700km further down the coast, are currently under evacuation orders. Moreover, 23 rescues have been performed by the state emergency department, which has received an overwhelming 652 calls for help.

Anita Brakel, a 55 year old nurse, went missing amidst this disaster and was unfortunately found dead on the evening of March 31. Australians are alert and frightened at the newsof this recent casualty, recalling with sorrow the 8 lives that similar floods took in February of this year.

The climate council has made clear that the total value for insurance claims will exceed any made for the previous floods: the estimated cost is more than USD 1.84 billion. Hopefully, this will have a positive impact on the timeframe of recovery for the area.

Another comforting prospect is the “rapid relief team charity” which has been donating large amounts of hay to flood-affected farmers; at least thirty truckloads have been delivered to feed the animals. Furthermore, the state government partnered with GIVIT to encourage others' donations after being criticised for its own lack of response and support. Alongside the government, this NGO seeks to purchase requested items for victims.

Like Australia, many other disasters and conflicts require international acknowledgment to make further change, so it’s crucial everyone keeps themselves informed.



“East Coast of Australia Hit by More Floods Just Weeks after Record-Breaking Deluge.” Sky News,

News, VOA. “Australia's East Coast Hit with New Round of Torrential Rains and Floods.” VOA, Australia's East Coast Hit with New Round of Torrential Rains and Floods, 30 Mar. 2022,

“Australia Floods: Severe Flooding Strikes Australian East Coast Again.” BBC News, BBC,

“NSW Floods: Body Found in Lismore Believed to Be Missing Nurse Anita Brakel.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 1 Apr. 2022,



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