Throughout this pandemic, there has been an intense rivalry between Morocco and Spain. On May 18th, around 6000-8000 Morrocans left their country and reached Spain's Ceuta over a single day. The cause of this migration came amid the chaos of a diplomatic spat between both countries. Spanish troops forced over half of them back to Fnideq, putting more tension on Morocco who finds itself in a difficult situation thanks to Covid. In actuality, 16.4% of Spain’s population are Morrocans who have immigrated there. It is considered the most populous foreign group in Spain. Moroccans rushed up the hills around the city and jumped over the fences for the policemen not to see them. They also go by the border since no policies are controlling it. Other people rushed up the hills and jumped over the fences. But the Interior Minister, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, sent 400 troops to Ceuta to assist. The minister denied unaccompanied migrants under the age of 18. So from the 4,000 migrants, 2000 teenagers had to go back to Morocco.

This humanitarian crisis started years ago when Morocco accused Spain of not helping with the taxes since they are related countries. Then, Spain attacked Morocco by saying that it was disrespectful for them and the European Union that many Moroccan people were entering the country. However, this has been a sudden invasion that has charged the diplomatic crisis between Rabat and Madrid over the disputed Western Sahara region. Moroccans have also immigrated to achieve better living conditions such as higher education and wages, a more stable economy and infrastructure. This Moroccan migration has affected the Spanish demography, education system and employment. Moreover, Health and Food organizations need to be prepared for Moroccans' arrival in order to provide them with the required necessities.
Many authorities disagree with the migrant cross and they have given their opinions as to why. Pedro Sanchez, the Spanish Prime Minister, in an interview with ‘The Guardian’ stated “We will proceed to immediately return all those who have entered Ceuta and Melilla irregularly,” citing a decade-old agreement with Morocco that allows Spain to send back adults who cross into the country irregularly. Further, Judith Sunderland, associate director for Human Rights Watch announced “I agree. It seems very unlikely for Spain to have returned 5,600 people in the space of a matter of hours. It's contrary to Spanish, European and refugee law and it violates international human rights.” As you can see, these 2 administrators don't want any more migrants entering their country, especially if it's in an illegal way. A statistic shared by the CNBC said that Spain troops are trying to prevent the flow of Moroccans. And they have caught one in four migrants attempting their entry. Still, this will not be easy for the Spanish government as EU is pressuring them to enforce protection at the border. But do you think this will be possible?...
Kirsten Llerena
“Migrant Surge on Spain-Morocco Border Brings More Suffering .” Voice of America,
“Migrants Reach Spain's Ceuta Enclave in Record Numbers.” BBC News, BBC, 18 May 2021,
Al Jazeera. “Spain Returns People Who Swam from Morocco, Adds Troops to Border.” Migration News | Al Jazeera, Al Jazeera, 18 May 2021,
Brito, Renata. “Spain, Morocco Square off after 8,000 Migrants Arrive by Sea.” AP NEWS, Associated Press, 18 May 2021,
Éltető, Andrea. “Immigrants in Spain: Their Role in the Economy and the Effects of the Crisis.” SSRN, 24 June 2011,
Ellyatt, Holly. “Spain and Morocco in Diplomatic Crisis after 8,000 Migrants Enter Spanish Territory.” CNBC, CNBC, 19 May 2021,
“Spain Accuses Morocco of 'Show of Disrespect' for EU in Migrant Row.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 19 May 2021,